Virtualbox automation scripts

As I’m trying to speed up things while I’m creating my ORACLE environments I started to build up some scripts to help me on doing it faster.
1. Adapt the network and the hosts file
Note: I’m running this script from my local server and not from VM, like this:

# root>ssh [email protected] < $script_location/
================================== START =========================================

# Adapting the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 


# Regenerate the IP rules
#mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ~/70-persistent-net.rules.bck
#/sbin/udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add

### adapt the IPADDR 
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
grep -q '^IPADDR' ifcfg-eth1 && sed -i 's/^IPADDR.*/'IPADDR='/' ifcfg-eth1 || echo 'IPADDR=' >> ifcfg-eth1
grep -q '^IPADDR' ifcfg-eth2 && sed -i 's/^IPADDR.*/'IPADDR='/' ifcfg-eth2 || echo 'IPADDR=' >> ifcfg-eth2

### adapt the Name
grep -q '^NAME' ifcfg-eth1 && sed -i 's/^NAME.*/NAME="eth1"/' ifcfg-eth1 || echo 'NAME="eth1"' >> ifcfg-eth1
grep -q '^NAME' ifcfg-eth2 && sed -i 's/^NAME.*/NAME="eth2"/' ifcfg-eth2 || echo 'NAME="eth2"' >> ifcfg-eth2

### adapt the BOOTPROTO and remove the UUID
for f in ifcfg-eth{1..2}; do
grep -q '^BOOTPROTO' $f && sed -i 's/^BOOTPROTO.*/BOOTPROTO=none/' $f || echo 'BOOTPROTO=none' >> $f
sed -i '/UUID/d' $f

==================================== END =========================================

Note: I’m still searching for a way to use variables instead the “fixed” IP addresses; didn’t find a way yet.
Looking forwards for your comments.

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